Best Beginner Drafting Tools For Landscape Architecture & Design
In this article, I review the best beginner drafting tools to create professional and beautiful illustrative plans for clients or studio classes.

Drafting Landscapes Series: Learning Hand Drafting For Landscape Design
In this series, I will cover a variety of topics and skills that are essential for landscape designers when drawing plans and perspectives for clients. Articles will include an overview technical drafting skills, along with tips and tricks for drawing different landscape components.
In this article, we will be reviewing the body mechanics of design drafting. It might seem as though any drawing technique might work as long as you have the right equipment, but this is most often not the case. We’ll take a look at some tips for landscape drafting and I will show you how to draw with the proper form to create bold, beautiful, and confident lines. READ MORE…
In this article, I’m going to review how to properly setup your drafting board, layout your paper, and create a professional border with titleblock for your illustrative plan. READ MORE…
In this article we will review the proper ways to use a circle template. The circle template is an essential tool for landscape architects and designers for drafting trees, shrubs, furnishings and for making nicely rounded corners or turning radii for plans. READ MORE…
In this article and the next several ones to come, I will be reviewing how to draw a wide array of trees and detailing the specific ways you can use them within a landscape plan, whether it is specimen tree, a grouping of conifers, or just a simple flowering shrub. Today, we will be focusing on drawing one of the basics – ornamental deciduous trees. READ MORE…
In this article, I will continue reviewing how to draw trees in plan, advancing on some of the concepts from our original tree drawing exercises and developing some other graphics to make our base plans stand out. READ MORE…
I discuss how to create landscape design plan symbols for conifers. These are great additions to your landscape designs as they can provide winter/seasonal interest while having a great ornamental impact. READ MORE…
In this article, I cover 5 techniques in order to draw unique symbols to represent specimen trees in your landscape design plan. READ MORE…

Designer's Block? Try These 4 Techniques To Get The Creativity Flowing
We have all been there. You’ve been working on a design problem for a few weeks, but all of a sudden there is no more “spark” of creativity to keep you going. In this article, I will review 4 techniques which I have found helpful from personal, professional, and educational experience.

Which Degree Should I Get? A Guide To Navigating Landscape Programs
In this article, I will detail the various degree options available to students, along with an overview of their career and licensing prospects. Hopefully this information can help you focus your overall career or academic goals.

5 Quick Tips For Better Design Studio Presentations
In this article, I will peak behind the curtain and provide 5 quick tips that professors and design critics look for to best help in your next studio presentation. As long as you put in the hard work and preparation, these tips can maximize the quality of the feedback you receive from jurors and showcase the best parts of your design

3 Ways To Prepare For Desk Critiques & Get The Most Out It
In this article, I am going to shares some ways that students should prepare their work in order to get the most out of their desk critiques. Having a long, informative dialogue with your professor during a desk critique can really strengthen your landscape design and raise your project to new heights.

6 Key Factors To Consider When Reviewing Landscape Architecture or Design Degree Programs
In this article, I am going to review seven key guidelines that will help you create an eye-catching portfolio for all future purposes. From my experience, student and job candidates that focus their attention on these items are more successful in achieving their desired goal.

5 Tips For Creating An Eye-Catching Landscape Design Portfolio
In this article, I am going to review seven key guidelines that will help you create an eye-catching portfolio for all future purposes. From my experience, student and job candidates that focus their attention on these items are more successful in achieving their desired goal.

What Should I Expect From An Internship? Advice For Students and Employers in Landscape Architecture & Design
In this article, I am going to describe some of the most important aspects of a professional internship. The advice should be helpful to students when looking for an internship program to apply for, but this article also should benefit employers on the best practices for running a successful internship.

How To Create A Landscape Design Base Map Using Google Maps
In this article, I will cover the basic steps necessary to create a standard base map for landscape designs through Google Maps. For many designers, or property owners, it may not be possible or financially prudent to conduct a formal survey of a property; therefore, knowing how to create a functional base map through Google Maps can be a very relevant and useful skill.

Touch of Zen: Japanese Design Principles For The Backyard Landscape
To many observers, it may seem impossible to recreate the cultural significance and historical character of traditional Japanese gardens. In this article, I will cover three ways that you can add beauty to your backyard while still being authentic to the fundamental principles of the Zen gardening.

Best Free Landscape Design Apps for 2020: A Complete Guide
Students often ask me if there are any free landscape design apps that work well for professionals in showcasing their landscape designs. Over the past several years, I trialed many free landscape design apps on various projects. In this article, I will review the pros and cons of the market’s five main free landscape design applications.

3 Proven Exercises To Improve Your Landscape Sketching
In this article, I will review 3 exercises that I have seen improve the sketching ability of students and designers over time. With practice and commitment, these exercises should assist you in developing better drawing habits for conceptual and real outdoor spaces.

Fix These 5 Common Drafting Mistakes
There is nothing worse than working feverishly on an important landscape plan for a client or studio project and have the result be lackluster. In this article, I will reference 5 common mistakes I see designers or students make in putting together their drafted landscape plans.

A Guide To Adding Color To Your Garden Design: Understanding Color Theory
In this article, we will take a look at the fundamentals of color theory for garden design and strategies that designers can use to adopt beautiful color schemes into their landscapes.

Which Drafting Paper Should I Use? A Look At Bond, Vellum, and Mylar
Have you ever gone to an art supply store and just stared at their paper section? Anyone that spends time in the drafting and sketching section of their local arts shop will quickly realize that choosing a paper is not a simple thing. This article is an overview of the various types of drafting paper, their uses, and the best types to use in various situations.